Christian Frugal Family Living: The Good, Bad + Unexpected
Being a frugal family is great because it means your money has more impact. However, if you don’t have a strong why, living frugally can be miserable.
Being a frugal family is great because it means your money has more impact. However, if you don’t have a strong why, living frugally can be miserable.
If your husband won’t lead you’re probably very frustrated. You probably have also tried a lot of things that just aren’t working. Well, have you tried this?
Some Christians are adamant that Halloween should NOT be celebrated, but what does the Bible say? And how do you make the right choice?
Being a One-Car Family isn’t all bad. However, there are some things you need to understand before you sell your second car.
In 2022 we sold my car and became a one car family! Here are the benefits we’ve experienced and what you can expect if you’re thinking about selling a car.
Becoming a one-car family will be easy for some and difficult for others. Here’s our story and some questions to ask if you’re thinking about selling a car.
Everything from Math to Bible to manners is up to you when you decide to homeschool. Here are some suggestions for adding Bible to Early Elementary Homeschool.
This Back to School Prayer Guide will help you ask for God’s provision and guidance as your kids spend the next nine months learning.
No more looking through 14 cookbooks, 6 Pinterest boards, and a box of recipe cards just to plan a single meal. Here’s how I meal plan a whole month in 5 min.
Have you ever been at a crossroads and didn’t know which way to go? Here’s a little insight God gave me while we were exploring the Cuyahoga Valley.