A few weeks ago a member of our Facebook group asked, “What’s your best recommendation to include Bible reading into homeschooling?” Our kids are currently in 4th and 6th grades, and if I can be honest, the older they get the more challenging I find it to add Bible into our homeschooling day. It wasn’t like that in our Early Elementary Homeschool, and I think that’s because they just kind of did what we told them.

Now that they’re older, the focus is less on teaching them about Jesus and more on helping them cultivate a love for him in their own hearts. That latter is harder for me to figure out, so if you have older children and know how to do that, please help a sister out!

For now, though, I’ll share what I did when our kids were younger, to lay a foundation. I’ll also include a bunch of resources that will hopefully make your Bible/Homeschool marriage go a bit easier.

If you like this blog, and find it helpful, you may also want to check out the guide I created to help you pray for your kids this school year.

Early Elementary Homeschool

My Experience in Early Elementary Homeschool

I distinctly remember my first day homeschooling. Buses kept passing my house transporting the public school kids, and I was sure I was going to get a knock on my door from a police man telling me I was in trouble.

I don’t know why, but homeschooling felt illegal. Because of that I found myself constantly looking up grade level expectations. I was afraid our kids would fall behind, so I was trying to figure out ways to push them ahead. I thought if they were functioning ahead of grade level that would be some sort of gold star on my efforts.

It drained the joy out of the whole situation.

A Quick Piece of Advice

If you find yourself dealing with those same feeling, don’t freak out. It took me 7 years to chill out regarding their educational competency. I really wish I would have calmed down sooner…

As a prior educator I know this to be true: Kids succeed when they have someone who believes in them and pushes them. If you do that then you have nothing to worry about.

Biblical Character Curriculum for Early Elementary Homeschool

I honestly think that same idea can translate into helping our kids know about Jesus. It’s going to happen on God’s timeline, not ours. The best thing we can do is cultivate a love for Jesus in our own hearts. They’ll learn a great deal about the hope they can have when they see us walking in it ourselves.

However, if you want a little assistance, I have a great suggestion – Kids of Integrity

As a faith-filled parent, you want to help your children develop Christlike attitudes and behaviour. But this important responsibility can seem overwhelming. How do you know where to start?

- kidsofintegrity.com

This is an incredible (and free) program that helps you teach godly character through Bible stories and activities. I used it quite a bit when our kids were in preschool and early elementary and we loved it!

There are over 30 lessons available, and each lessons includes memory verses, scripted prayers, crafts, activities, and Bible stories. They give you way more than you need for each lesson, so you can pick and choose what works for you.

If you’re looking for somethings that more like a traditional curriculum you definitely need to check out Kids of Integrity.

A SUPER Easy Way to Add Bible into Your Early Elementary Homeschool

If the thought of going through another curriculum stresses you out, don’t do it. There are some really easy ways to teach your kids about Jesus without being strapped to a lesson plan. Our favorite thing is reading aloud.

If you’ve never read the Read Aloud Family, just stop right now and add it to your list. It’s so good! And it’s a great reminder that no matter how old or competent our kids get, reading to them is so important.

Here are our absolute favorite Bibles and Devotionals for preschool and early elementary with an explanation of each one. Each description below is a direct quote from amazon. Also, as an Amazon Affiliate we may earn from qualifying purchases. Thank you in advance for supporting our blog by using our links!

Early Elementary Homeschool Bible Curriculum

1. The Jesus Storybook Bible

  • While other kids’ Bibles contain stories from the Old and New Testaments, The Jesus Storybook Bible tells the Story beneath all the stories in the Bible, pointing to Jesus as our Savior.

2. I AM: Bible Stories About the Names of God (4-8 years old)

  • I Am: 40 Reasons to Trust God will help children develop an understanding of God’s character and His love for them. As they grow to know, love, and trust the great I Am through these 40 stories, devotions, and prayers, they will learn the many names and titles of God.
  • Sarah here: This is more like a storybook Bible. The stories you read with your kids are taken straight from the Bible and condensed. The next book is for a slightly older age range and it’s a devotional.

3. I Am Devotional: 100 Devotions About the Names of God (6-9 years old)

  • Through 100 devotions, children will see how God’s names reflect His love, strength, trustworthiness, and what that means as they develop a strong faith.
  • Sarah again: This book differs from the one above in that the stories are purely made up. If you’re looking for something a little lighter this is a great option, but if you’re looking to read Bible stories to your kids, choose number 2.

4. Indescribable: 100 Devotions About God and Science

  • Indescribable displays the majesty of creation with scientific findings, photography, and original illustrations. These 100 devotions encourage awe at God’s creativity…

5. My First Hands-On Bible

  • Each lesson focuses on a specific Bible point through a variety of activities in order to reinforce and help young children remember the stories and lessons. In addition to the stories and activities, there are fun illustrations, prayers, and a special Jesus Connection feature.
Early Elementary Homeschool Bible Curriculum

Hands-On Bible Resources for Early Elementary Homeschool

The last resource I want to share with you is called Tiny Theologians. If you’re looking to teach theology to your kids, this is it. Their products are beautiful and solid.

Just as a disclaimer, we’ve found tiny theological differences between how they explain certain things and how we would explain them. When that happens we just use it as an opportunity to share that not all Christians agree on every single thing, and that’s ok.

I’ve never come across any issues with foundational beliefs, so I feel 100% confident recommending them.

And that’s it! If you found this blog to be helpful we’d love to know, so please leave us a comment before you go! And if you have any additional resources that we missed please let us know that as well!

Because there’s a better way,

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