How to Pray Scripture Over Your Finances
Have you always just tried to handle your money on your own? It may be time to invite God in and pray scripture over your finances.
Have you always just tried to handle your money on your own? It may be time to invite God in and pray scripture over your finances.
Being a frugal family is great because it means your money has more impact. However, if you don’t have a strong why, living frugally can be miserable.
Becoming a one-car family will be easy for some and difficult for others. Here’s our story and some questions to ask if you’re thinking about selling a car.
No one really wants to restrict their spending. It’s much easier and more enjoyable to just buy whatever, whenever. Until the bills start rolling in…
What’s your biggest financial stressor? It’s time to hit it head-on and build a healthier relationship with money in your marriage.
There are a lot of money books out there, but most of them are either super dry, impractical, or unbiblical. Simple Money, Rich Life is just different.
Have you ever felt like you were spending too much money on the wrong things and not enough money on the right things? It can be easy to get down on yourself about your spending, but if you don’t know how much you SHOULD be spending it’ll be hard to make any lasting changes.
Tracking your spending brings hidden things to the Light. When we expose things that are out of line with God’s will they begin to lose their hold.
It’s taken me almost 15 years to figure this out, but there IS a way to be responsible with your money, spend without guilt, and feel less FOMO.
If you’ve tried habit tracking in the past and it hasn’t worked out I would encourage you to try again. Here are three reasons why author James Clear says habit tracking is a great idea and four free PDFs to help get you started!