Covid times were like living in the twilight zone. I don’t know about you, but one of the hardest things for me was that I couldn’t seem to see the world through a Biblical lens. It’s like I knew something had gone awry, I could feel it, but I couldn’t put my finger on exactly what it was. And it wasn’t just the actual pandemic. It was the social and political unrest. It was the flurry of questions with no answers. Enter Live No Lies.

With every chapter I read my insides kept screaming, “Yes! Yes! Yes!” John Mark Comer has a gift for speaking the Bible into culture, and regardless of where you stand from a religious, political, socioeconomic, or generational standpoint, he’ll have something to say to you.

Live No Lies Review

Live No Lies: John Mark Comer

Live No Lies Summary

“We are at war. Not with a foreign government or domestic terrorists or a creepy new artificial intelligence hell-bent on taking over the world. No, it’s a war we feel deep inside our own chests: we are at war with lies.

In this provocative and practical book, bestselling author John Mark Comer combines cultural analysis with spiritual formation. He identifies the role lies play in our spiritual deformation and lays out a strategic plan to overcome them.”
Penguin Random House

Live No Lies Quotes

*The citation for the following quotes includes the chapter titles instead of page numbers because I own the book on kindle.

We feel this constant conflict not just “out there” in culture or in our digital newsfeeds but inside the fabric of our own minds and bodies. A kind of inner tug-of-war that is emotionally exhausting and spiritually depleting. (A manifesto for exile)

Our war against the three enemies of the soul is not a war of guns and bombs… It’s a war on lies. And the problem is less that we tell lies and more that we live them[.] (A manifesto for exile)

Over the last few years, I’ve watched so many people, on both the Left and the Right, be taken captive by ideology… Ideology is a form of idolatry. It’s a secular attempt to find a metaphysical meaning to life, a way to usher in utopia without God… [It] imprison[s] your own mind and heart in lies that drives you to anger and anxiety. It promises freedom but produces the opposite. (Ideas, weaponized)

Disinformation — or in the language of Scripture, deception — is at the root of almost every single problem we face in our society and our minds. (Dezinformatsiya)

The devil’s primary stratagem to drive the soul and society into ruin is deceptive ideas that play to disordered desires, which are normalized in a sinful society. (Dezinformatsiya)

Spiritual formation isn’t just a follower of Jesus thing; it’s a human thing. We’re all becoming someone. Intentional or unintentional, conscious or subconscious, deliberate or haphazard, we’re all in a process of becoming a person. The question isn’t, Are you becoming somebody? but Who are you becoming? (And having done all, to stand)

It’s by Spirit and truth that we’re transformed into the image of Jesus, but the reciprocal is also true. It’s by isolation and lies that we’re deformed into the image of the devil. (And having done all, to stand)

Live No Lies Review

Gospel Fluency and Live No Lies are like a one-two punch. I’ve often thought, “This culture is a hot mess. I know I should be able to understand what’s happening through the lens of Scripture, but I just can’t.” In Live No Lies, John Mark Comer lays it all out in plain and simple English. I found myself regularly going, “Oh my gosh. He’s so right!”

The thing I loved about this book is that Comer reminds us of how important solid Christian community is in fighting the war on lies. When we’re in isolation we’re more susceptible to the devil’s schemes and our own disordered thinking. But community isn’t enough. We also need to be filling our minds with God’s Word. We need spiritual discipline.

I was recently at a church listening to Ed Stetzer speak.

He mentioned the discrepancy between the amount of time Christians spend listening to their favorite news station and the amount of time they spend listening to a weekend sermon or reading the Bible for themselves. Unfortunately most of us are allowing something other than absolute Truth to shape our thinking.

“Is it any wonder we often see the world more through the lens of secular theory than Scripture? Or that we often get sucked into our disordered desires and begin living just like everyone else because it’s normal?” (And having done all, to stand) Whether we’re spending hours on end on social media or watching the news we need to realize how much we’re being formed, or better put… deformed.

Live No Lies is a book that will confront you in the best way no matter what side of the political aisle you’re on, and that’s one of the reasons why I LOVE this book!

Because there’s a better way,

If you’d like to check out this book on Amazon, click here: Live No Lies

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